Netflix: Sense 8

Social Technology Campaign - RFP Response

ME/WE - The Power of Connection
Sense 8 is an innovative series from The Wachowskis that explores a mysterious inter-connection that 8 people from around the world have with each other and how the lines of identity blur when they inhabit each other's personas. This powerful theme is explored and brought to the viewers through clever uses of connected technology and boundary pushing, buzz generating experiences.

The following are concepts included in a new business pitch to Netflix. 

The series is teased at San Diego Comic Con, bringing together fans of the Wachowskis both digitally and physically. Teaser content is only unlocked when fans find each other and physically combine their smart phones to form an eight-part interconnected cinema display with teaser scenes. 

The identity lines between series characters, actors, viewers and celebrities continues to get blurred as Netflix "swaps" Twitter identities with super fans and Netflix celebrities, giving them full control of our official Twitter account until the identity is seamlessly passed to the next individual.

In the spirit of mystery and rewarding fans who are paying close attention, we seed easter eggs across social media including our Instagram feed which is secretly being visually built as an interconnecting "8" over time.

Fans are connected at a pseudo-metaphysical level across the globe, through sensory technology. The Sense8 iPad app allows you to randomly connect with a stranger on the other side of the world, touching hands through the glass screen of the tablet, even creating finger painting and music together in a universal connected language.

Worldwide attention is earned through audacious technological stunts, such as a state-of-the-art Identity Disruptor airport installation in which a traveler's identity is changed to a character from the show right before their eyes, movements and all.

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