Foot Locker

Mobile / In-Store Technology Solution - RFP Response

Order out of Sneakerhead Chaos
Footlocker was looking for a mobile technology solution to add some structure to their in-store limited-edition sneaker releases to solve the problem of chaos (and in some cases, violence) erupting from the existing first-come-first-serve system. 

The following is the technology solution concept presented in a new business pitch to Foot Locker.

Launch Day Draft puts the power of access to sneaker launches in the hands of the sneakerhead through their mobile device.

Lottery Schedule and Location Finder
 App features allow the user to participate in multiple lotteries simultaneously and manage their launch schedule and acquisition on their terms.

Release Calendar / Lottery Registration
Users register to stores within their area plus get notified about special releases in stores farther away and grab their spot in the lottery through a confirmation code system.

Confirmation / Notification / Social Integration
Geo-based connectivity to the in-store technology makes the experience seamless for Foot Locker employees, inventory management and the users themselves.

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