
Global Campaign Platform - RFP Response

Head in the Cloud
Capgemini was looking for a communication platform that could accomplish several massive objectives. First, establish their deep expertise in cloud solutions in a crowded space. Next, balance this with their unique, people-centric approach. And finally, have a bold, simple positioning that will make total sense culturally to the 44 countries where they operate.

The following is the communication platform and execution examples included in a global new business pitch to Capgemini.

This positioning needed to be bold and flexible enough to not only work in their numerous international regions but across media as well. 

This duality of technological prowess and human perspective combined as one remains the central structural theme of the platform, demonstrated by the "Wish" campaign, developed across media including print, LinkedIn, digital display and email.

Technology that is incongruent with the actual human need becomes obsolete despite the best intentions and tech to back it up. This is demonstrated through Kickstarter and video promotion of completely useless start-up apps with an easter-egg type reveal.

Social experiments documented in video and promoted through display demonstrate how overshooting on technology without consideration for the actual human need can actually lead to an even more negative outcome.

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