Netflix: Daredevil

Promotional Campaign - RFP Response

Daring Experiences
Daredevil is a unique superhero character in that he is blind and uses his other heightened senses to his advantage. Because of this, his extrasensory ability is a major theme woven throughout the story. Netflix wanted to tap into a devoted audience and make Daredevil an innovative and unique event that makes the viewer's experience more than just watching a regular TV drama.

The following are concepts included in a new business pitch to Netflix.

To promote the release of the series, Daredevil branded Google Cardboard devices are distributed to captive Marvel cinema audiences. Once a fan downloads the Daredevil Experience app, they are taken on an exclusive prequel journey "seen" through Daredevil's heightened senses.

A partnership with Nerdist gives fans access to exclusive content such as an official Marvel audio prequel series distributed across the network's podcasts. The series includes subtle meta jokes and references only possible through audio that die-hard fans go nuts for.

In addition, promotion on the site includes cleverly placed ads linking to the Nelson & Murdock law firm website with more exclusive content rewards for dedicated fans. 

Fans in the comic book community are given the opportunity to create artwork that will become a rotating "cover" series for the show on the Netflix platform. Chosen fans' artwork is seen by millions of subscribers and is attributed to them via their @ Twitter / Instagram.

With Hypersense, viewers can put themselves into the show through Daredevil's enhanced hearing, capturing intricate details throughout, while dynamically controlling the Hypersense level in real time. Viewers create an experience that is completely custom to them, in every moment.

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